Chairman's message

Nobility and Distinction

Mr. Shoaib Omar Al Douri
Businessman and Chairman of Al Atlal Roastery

From the dear United Arab Emirates country, and the Sharjah Emirate (smiling emirate), we started the noble and distinctive Al Atlal Roastery's journey in the fields of foodstuffs, hospitality and events. It started in 1984, and continued to accomplish successes and achievements over four decades. Today, this journey is still continuing, thanks to God Almighty, with the great and permanent support and encouragement provided by the wise leadership of the country and the wise federal and local governments to businessmen and investors from the Arab world and the world. Additionally, the confidence, satisfaction and happiness expressed by our valued customers from individuals, families, government and private institutions also play a big role. Furthermore, we can't ignore the credit of the fruitful and constructive cooperation between Al Atlal Roastery and its advanced Factories inside and outside the UAE and a number of partners from the best suppliers of products and services in the Arab world and the world .

And through the official website of Al Atlal Roastery, and in my name and the name of the members of the management and the work team, I recommit and promise our valued customers to continue providing healthy and high-quality food products, hospitality services and innovative and distinguished events, in accordance with the highest international standards in health, safety, quality and excellence, at competitive prices suitable for all Customers (individuals and families), with special discounts for partners from government and private institutions. After all, we are keen to achieve lasting happiness and satisfaction for all valued customers.

I extend, on my behalf and on their behalf, my deepest thanks and appreciation to the United Arab Emirates and the Emirate of Sharjah, with its wise leadership and generous people, as well as the loyal Arab and foreign residents, for their constant and tremendous support and encouragement of the journey of Al Atlal Roastery. This support and encouragement extend to all the businessmen and investors from the Arab world and the world who have chosen, as we have, this noble land to establish their residence, businesses, and investments. They have succeeded and excelled here, as we have, and all praise is due to God Almighty for our success, excellence, and heritage.

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